Master SCUBA Diver
This continuing education course is for certified divers who wish to increase their understanding and enjoyment of diving. The course is a progression toward NAUI Leadership roles, and some subject areas are a review and expansion of materials from previous courses. Instructors will specify performance objectives for related courses diving activities and each subject area is a progression in study.
Minimum is 15 years by the water phase of the course.
Certification as a NAUI Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver or equivalent is required.
Certification as NAUI Rescue Scuba Diver or equivalent is required.
The instructor is to ensure adequate student knowledge and capability before any open water training and shall use skill or other evaluations to do so. One open water dive (which does not count toward the minimum number of dives required for the course) may be used as a screening and evaluation dive. This is not required when the student’s diving proficiencies are well known to the instructor.
Students shall furnish and be responsible for the care and maintenance of their own equipment.
The instructor shall initially assist the student in checking all student gear to ensure it is adequate and in proper working order.
What’s Included
All materials and certification card.
What’s not included
Students must provide their own dive equipment and pay all dive fees.
Bundles (Additional Fee)
with Training Assistant