Specialty Diving
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This specialty course provides the diver with the knowledge and skills to plan and make deep dives between 18 and 40m (60 and 130 ft.), minimizing risks.
Search & Recovery
This specialty course is to provide divers with the skills and knowledge to do perform common underwater tasks and minimize risks of such tasks while searching and recovering items.
Night & Limited Visibility
This specialty course for open water scuba certified divers or skin diver certified divers. It provides the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to minimize the risks of diving at night.
Underwater Naturalist
This specialty course exposes the diver to the physical and biological aspects of the diving environment and the methods used by underwater ecologists in their studies of the respective ecosystems.
Underwater Archaeology
This specialty course is to expose the diver to the methods used by underwater archaeologists in their studies and preservation of submerged historic sites.
Underwater Digital Imaging
This specialty course is to provide the certified diver with the skills and knowledge to enjoy underwater digital imagery while minimizing the risks of such activities.
Wreck (External Survey)
This specialty course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to gain experience and minimize risks in wreck diving.
Training Assistant
This specialty course is to train divers to assist others during training activities overseen by an active-status NAUI Instructor.