Open Water SCUBA Diver with Nitrox


This course will teach divers the fundamental knowledge and skills to SCUBA dive and engage in open water diving activities without supervision, provided the diving environment, activities, areas dived, and the equipment approximate those of training. This course also provides divers with the skills to utilize EANx as a breathing medium.

This entry-level course meets the requirements for ISO Level 2- autonomous diver certification.


  • Age.

    • Minimum is 15 years by the water phase of the course. (Junior certification for ages 10-14 years is allowed. See “Policies Applying to All Courses: Age, Junior Certification.”)

  • Certification/Experience/Knowledge.

    • There is no certification required to enter this course. Students who hold credentials from the NAUI Introduction to Scuba program may, at the discretion of the instructor, be awarded credit for skills and knowledge acquired.

What's Included:

  • Open Water Diver and Enriched Air Nitrox online learning materials, in-person classroom training, pool sessions, local dive fees, and certification cards.

What's Not Included:

  • All students are required to have their own scuba-quality mask, fins, and snorkel. If you have the gear you would like to use for training, please bring it in before class begins to be checked.

  • Additional fees for boat trips for open water dives.

  • Additional fees for physical textbook option.